Grass Roots
Committed to Promoting the Principles of Limited Government, Constitution, Representative Government,
Participatory Republic, Free Market Economy, Family and Separation of Powers

Legislative Updates - 27 January 2025

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Dear Friends:

This is GrassRoots’ first legislative update of this year’s General Session of the Utah State Legislature. We hope to be sending weekly updates on legislative happenings during the session, and will be concentrating on bills that we find to be friendly to the principles of limited, constitutional government on one hand, or, on the other hand, friendly to big, intrusive government. As you may know, the principles of GrassRoots are summarized as Limited Government, Constitution, Representative Government, Free Market Economy, Participatory Republic, Family, and Separation of Powers.

We would encourage and challenge you, if you see one or more bills that interest you, contact your representative and/or senator about it/them. We think they usually hear enough from paid lobbyists (some would say more than enough), but they may not hear enough from you.

At this time (one week into the session), there are about 500 numbered bills for this session on the Utah Legislature website, maybe about half of the bills that will be numbered by the end of the session which, under the Utah Constitution, will go for 45 days. Here are some bills and issues that we consider to be noteworthy.

Bills catching our attention

HB69Substitute, “Government Records and Information Amendments”, sponsored by Representative Gricius and Senator Musselman, would:

  • amend provisions regarding the disclosure of voter history information;
  • classify certain voter history information as private and address disclosure of the information;
  • prohibit a government officer from accessing or using government records or information in a manner that is not related to a duty of the government officer;
  • prohibit a government officer from accessing or using government records or information for a primarily personal purpose, unless the government officer gains access to the records or information in the same manner as a member of the public;
  • make it a crime (class B misdemeanor) to intentionally violate the provisions described in the preceding paragraph.

Voter history classified by this bill as private, includes the following:

  • the date on which the voter voted or on which the voter returned a mailed ballot;
  • the method by which a voter returned a mailed ballot; and
  • whether the voter paid postage on a ballot returned by mail.

HB69Substitute passed the House Government Operations Committee 10-0 on Jan 22nd, and awaits consideration by full House.

It is possible that there are some good provisions in HB69Substitute. However, we are concerned about the classification of additional voter record information as private. In this age of increasing mass-mailing of ballots, and accompanying concerns about election integrity, we are, in principle, opposed to any steps that needlessly reduce transparency in any step of the process. GrassRoots tentatively favors a “no” vote on HB69Substitute.

Additional comments on HB69Substitute from one of our valued correspondents:

“The content of one's ballot is (and should be) private. But whether, when, and where a person votes is (and should be) public. This bill would prevent you from knowing what for centuries has been public information.

“It would also create loopholes for corruption. For example, volunteers who canvassed voters in Clark County, Nevada, [shortly after the Presidential Election of 2020] discovered hundreds of voters who had not cast their ballots, yet for whom a ballot had been cast (vote fraud). Poll watchers detect such shenanigans because they know who voted and who did not vote, which they can compare against the public record of who voted. Do NOT hide this public record!

“We sincerely hope the Utah Legislature will restore in-person voting, in our precincts, on Election Day, on paper ballots (while allowing for absentee ballots where necessary), elections administered by volunteer judges (our neighbors), and ballots counted by hand by volunteer judges (our neighbors)--the process Utah used successfully for over a century.”

*HB81, “Fluoride Amendments”, sponsored by Representative Gricius, would:

  • prohibit adding fluoride to public water systems;
  • require the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to issue standing prescription drug orders for fluoride supplements; and
  • require a pharmacist who dispenses fluoride supplements to a patient to provide patient counseling.

HB81 awaits consideration by the House Natural Resources, Agriculture, and Environment Committee.

We think it is great to prohibit the addition of fluoride-containing chemicals-impurities to public water systems. At the same time, we are skeptical about the other regulations in HB81. In particular, we are curious about what scientific studies have been conducted that would justify requiring HHS to issue standing prescription drug orders for fluoride supplements. GrassRoots tentatively favors a “yes” vote on HB81, but with some reservations about the issuance of certain “standing prescription drug orders”.

HB133, “Dangerous Weapons Amendments”, sponsored by Representative Lisonbee and Senator Sandall, would, according to the bill’s long title:

  • define terms;
  • restructure and make technical changes to sections in the Utah Code dealing with dangerous weapons to bring the sections into a standardized format as part of a larger effort to recodify the criminal code;
  • make amendments to existing statutes dealing with firearms;
  • clarify that an individual who may otherwise lawfully possess a firearm may: a) possess a firearm at the individual's residence; b) openly possess a firearm in most public locations; and c) conceal a firearm in most public locations without a concealed carry permit;
  • clarify criminal provisions regarding who is required to have a concealed carry permit in certain circumstances;
  • remove the criminal provision for law-abiding citizens to possess a loaded rifle, shotgun, or muzzle-loading rifle in a vehicle;
  • remove the crime of carrying a loaded firearm on a public street; and
  • make technical and conforming changes.

HB133 passed the House Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice Committee 8-1 on Jan 24th, and awaits consideration by full House.

  • We have not carefully studied every line of this almost-9000-line bill. However, based on our study of this bill (including its long title) so far, HB133 looks friendly to the right of the people to bear arms, and to rights of self-defense. GrassRoots looks favorably on HB133, and encourages the Legislature to consider this bill.
  • Due diligence note: We believe it is a mockery of the principle of Representative Government when legislators vote for bills that they have not adequately read and understood. With bills as long as this, we can empathize with any legislator voting “no” if he has not had adequate time to read and understand it. Having said that, we would encourage legislators to make time to read and understand this bill.

    SB31Substitute, “Refugee Services Amendments”, sponsored by Senator Winterton, would:

    • create the Refugee Services Office (office) within the Department of Workforce Services; and
    • describe the duties and functions of the office.

    SB31Substitute passed the Senate Economic Development and Workforce Services Committee 4-0 on Jan 24th, and awaits consideration by the full Senate.

    Provision of services to refugees is likely a worthy subject of private sector charity, but not an appropriate use of government force and of taxes collected by force. This bill appears to us to be an incremental growth in such government force. GrassRoots tentatively favors a “no” vote on SB31Substitute.

    SB38, “Manufacturing Modernization Grant Sunset Amendments”, sponsored by Senator Millner and Representative Jack, would extend the sunset date for the Manufacturing Modernization Grant Program by 3 years.

    SB38 passed the Senate 25-0 on Jan 22nd, and awaits action by the House Rules Committee.

    The Manufacturing Modernization Grant Program appears to us to be an inappropriate use of tax dollars and government force, and possibly even a vehicle for the expansion of crony capitalism. Manufacturing Modernization is something better done totally by the private sector; the government should concentrate on reducing unwarranted spending and taxes and regulation. GrassRoots favors a “no” vote on SB38.

    SB86, “Workplace Protection Amendments”, sponsored by Senator Plumb, would reduce (from 15 to 5) the number of employees a person may employ before being considered an employer subject to the state Antidiscrimination Act for employment.

    SB86 awaits consideration by the Senate Business and Labor Committee.

    We question the wisdom of having government regulation of hiring decisions, and accompanying motivations, in the private sector. We are also concerned about any additional regulatory burden on small businesses employing 5-14 workers. GrassRoots favors a “no” vote on SB86.

    If you have any questions about these bills, GrassRoots’ position on these bills, or related matters, please contact either of us or any other member of the Board of Utah GrassRoots.


    Steve Stromness
    Vice-Chairman, Bill Review Coordinator, Utah GrassRoots

    Don Guymon
    Chairman, Utah GrassRoots

    PS Do you want to contact a legislator? Go to and click on “Legislators”.

    Do you want to read and follow legislation yourself? Go to and click on “2025 General Session Page” then click on “2025 Bills”.

    Do you have other questions about how to effectively participate in the political process? Please contact us, and we will try to help as appropriate.

    Do you have friends that would appreciate this legislative update? Please feel free to forward it to them.

    Would you like to help us with review of legislation in a small or large way? Consider taking a special look at bills sponsored by your own representative or senator. Please contact us with your findings and/or with any questions we might be able to help you with.

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